Skiing in January

Hi everybody! We've been busy here enjoying some fresh snow and more and more sunlight. We also experienced our first Alaska earthquake! But, our most fun adventures this month have been skiing.

On Sunday, January 7, we drove up to Alyeska in Girdwood (two hours away) to enjoy some downhill skiing for Barron's 50th birthday! It was his first time ever to ski. It was the first time I've skied in 25 years. We were both a little awkward at first. :)

Here's what the resort looks like in the summer:

Here's the winter version:

This is how the ski slopes lay out:

We didn't really get too many pictures of each other because we were so busy actually skiing, but here are a few:

Then, on Sunday, January 14, we decided to put our Christmas gifts to good use and try out cross country skiing at the local trails called Tsalteshi. They were a bit icy and very fast, so we had to really work on our balance and our stopping. Sometimes that harder than you think when you're wearing two layers of clothes. :)

We got better at taking pictures our third time around. We went over to the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge on Sunday, January 28, and skied around the edge of Headquarters Lake. It was a gorgeous, clear night, and we ended up having the ski trail all to ourselves. It was awesome!!!

Here's what it looks like in the summer, unfrozen:

We got to see the sunset light on one side of the lake and the moon on the other side.

We're really having so much fun getting out and experiencing everything that Alaska has to offer. It's such a special place on earth. Y'all let us know when you want to come up for a visit.


  1. So wonderful. Glad you are using those new skis!

  2. Wow! The scenery is simply breathtaking!


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