
Showing posts from December, 2017

First Alaska Christmas

The holidays have been so fun here in Alaska! We were blessed with a white wonderland Christmas, including chopping down our first Alaska Christmas tree (a black spruce). We headed out to the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge a few weeks ago and found the perfect tree. Barron got out there and cut it down with our handsaw, and then we strapped it to the roof of the FJ to get it home. :)  We made it a date night and headed out for pizza and beer on the way back home. The moose are coming out more frequently during the winter as they are looking for food. We have a couple of females that hang out around our neighborhood and make it by our house from time to time. They come up really close to the house and even get down on their front legs to get to the grass. We eventually got the tree set up and decorated. It makes the house smell amazing!!! We decided to get each other boots, poles, and cross country skis for Christmas! Now,